Stacking LMU layers in Tensorflow

Hello everyone,

I am new to Nengo and LMU. I was wondering, how could I stack 3 LMU layers in Tensorflow?

  1. Single LMU Layer:
def create_lmu_model():

  lmu_layer = keras_lmu.LMU(










  # TensorFlow layer definition

  inputs = tf.keras.Input((n_steps, 1))

  lmus = lmu_layer(inputs)

  #lmus = lmu_layer(lmus)

  outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(step_future)(lmus)

  # TensorFlow model definition

  model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)

  return model

  1. Stacked LMU layers?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Hi @adokoka, and welcome to the Nengo forums. :smiley:

First, a point of clarification… If by “stacking” you mean to ask how to create a network where you have a structure like so: input → LMU1 → LMU2 → LMU3 → …, then you almost have the correct code for stacking multiple LMU layers. The important thing to note is that the keras_lmu.LMU(...) call creates one LMU layer. Thus, to stack multiple LMU layers, you’ll need to create each LMU layer first:

def create_lmu_model():
    lmu_layer1 = keras_lmu.LMU(...)
    lmu_layer2 = keras_lmu.LMU(...)
    lmu_layer3 = keras_lmu.LMU(...)

Then, you can use the standard TensorFlow model definition to connect the layers together:

    inputs = ...
    lmus = lmu_layer1(inputs)
    lmus = lmu_layer2(lmus)
    lmus = lmu_layer3(lmus)
    outputs = ...(lmus)

And that should do it for you!

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Hi Xuan,

Thank you very much for your quick response!

I meant “stacking” indeed as in:

inputs → LMU1 → LMU2 → LMU3 → … outputs

Your answer works very well. I will go further with the model. I will give you a shout or the community if I need any details.

Once again, many thanks for your help.

Kind regards,

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