Sorry if it is unnecessary to mention it, but I can’t see any comments on the infection of the forum by SPAM. Is this problem fixable?
I’m really worried because it has been going on for 6 days.
I just noticed the Discourse plugin called Akismet. Would this work? It looks pretty comprehensive.
Thanks for highlighting this! We’re in the midst of transitioning Nengo to a more community-development model (as it’s now fully open source via GPLv2), but this also means that there isn’t someone right now whose job it is to maintain the forum. I’ll be doing that going forward (with some volunteers, hopefully!) but I got behind on looking for spam here.
Thank you Terry
I’m relieved the forum has now been cleaned of spam.
David Green
Thanks again for bringing this up to me! One of the things I need to do is to figure out better community engagement and I’m planning on being more active in this forum as part of that.
Something also happened this week that resulted in a large uptick in spam. We used to get a handful of messages a week, but over the past week we had hundreds of new (fake) users posting hundreds if not thousands of spam messages.
To combat this, we are currently allowing new user accounts by “invite only”. So anyone wishing to join the forum will need to get in contact with @tbekolay or @tcstewar directly.
I’ve deleted all the accounts created during that week, so we shouldn’t see any new spam.