The Nengo SPA team is excited to announce the release of Nengo SPA 0.6!
What is Nengo SPA?
Nengo SPA enables quickly prototyping large cognitive models using the Semantic Pointer Architecture (SPA) on top of Nengo with a simple syntax.
What’s new?
This release of Nengo SPA combines many new features, improvements, and bug fixes. The most important new feature are “algebras” that allow to use superposition and binding operations other than addition and circular convolution. In particular, Nengo SPA now ships with an implementation of the vector-derived transformation binding (VTB), a new binding operation that works well for deep structures. Further information on VTB can be found in the Nengo SPA documentation. A publication with further details is in preparation.
Further changes with respect to the previous versions are listed in the changelog.
How do I get it?
To get the new version of Nengo SPA, use pip
pip install --upgrade nengo-spa
Where can I learn more?
Where can I get help?
You’re already there! If you have an issue upgrading or have any other questions, please post them in this forum.