Nengo SPA 0.5.0 released

The Nengo SPA team is excited to announce the release of Nengo SPA 0.5!

What is Nengo SPA?

Nengo SPA enables quickly prototyping large cognitive models using the Semantic Pointer Architecture (SPA) on top of Nengo with a simple syntax.

What’s new?

This release of Nengo SPA marks the transition from alpha to beta. It is now a complete replacement for with a number of improvements and new features:

  • New routing and action selection syntax with support for expressions of
    arbitrary complexity
  • “Type safety” prevents accidentally connecting modules with incompatible
  • Neural representations are optimized for better accuracy.
  • SPA networks can be used like normal Nengo networks
  • Nesting of SPA networks
  • Support for the Nengo config system
  • Lots of other new features, bug fixes, and improvements

Changes with respect to the previous alpha version 0.4.1 are listed in the changelog.

How do I get it?

To get the new version of Nengo SPA, use pip.

pip install nengo-spa

Where can I learn more?

Where can I get help?

You’re already there! If you have an issue upgrading or have any other questions, please post them in this forum.