[Nengo Loihi] Strage results for Neurocores dynamic power

Just some thoughts about the power measurement results.

I was thinking about the use of precompute=True and I am wondering if might influence the Neurocores activity. You said that when using precompute=True, all of the model’s input signals (across the entire desired simulation time) are precomputed into spikes, which are then loaded into the board before the simulation starts.
Does this implies that the Neurocores activity is in some way reduced (that is the NC are active for few timestesps) ?
I am asking this question as in my experiments I observed a quite low power consumption for Neurocores wrt the implementation of the same model using NxTF API.
Some weeks ago I also noticed (and reported it in this post) that the reported spiking time per timestep is zero for all timesteps. I am wondering if this behavior can be related to the precomputation of spikes and the consequent reduced activity of Neurocores (as the spiking time should represent the time in which Neurocores perform computation - but correct me if I am wrong).

Moreover I also noticed that:

  • Before the simulation, the communication phase with the Lakemont takes a considerable amount of time (several minutes (8-10) when working with many event data samples). Is this related to the time needed for the pre-computation of spikes ?
  • I noticed in my experiments a significant amount of power related to the management and host phases. I believe that this is related to the high I/O requirements (since I am using event data with PresentInput, and, as you pointed out, this is inefficient). Moreover, do you know if precomputation also affects the management and host times ?
