Hello @xchoo, thanks for your response and confirming the computation math with gain
. With respect to Nengo dealing with complex functions, I was just curious about them, and your insights are very useful. Indeed, a possible way would be to break down those complex functions to give Nengo an easy time.
With respect to the AvgPooling on NengoLoihi, this is again something I was curious about. In future if I take this into priority I will remember adding a Dense layers between AveragePooling and Conv layers.
I was actually working with your suggestion to configure the planner
to bypass graph optimization and speed up the execution, however, it doesn’t seem to help. Following is the code where ndl_model
is obtained from the nengo_dl.Converter()
with ndl_model.net:
# Disable operator merging to improve compilation time.
My network has the custom layer as you suggested here, and I even included nengo_dl.configure_settings(planner=noop_planner)
within that subnet as well, but nothing helps. Any suggestions?