Loihi Energy Probes and Simulation Timeout

I did before but I just tried again while also reducing bufferSize to 1024 instead of 4*1024 and it completes without timeout now. Thanks for the help, some remaining related questions:

  1. Why does that tEnd=int(run_time / dt) * 10 work in other examples? (for example here)
  2. Why am I seeing no spikingPhaseEnergy but I am seeing managementPhaseEnergy (and host but that makes more sense to me)? Are the translated CNN layers running on embedded x86 somehow instead of the neurocores?
  3. I thought probing the neuron output gives only spike (binary) values at each timestep, especially since on Loihi neurons only fire binary messages on a spike. Why does my probe of ‘output’ for the final ensemble show values greater than one, and even fractional values (ie 3.5, 2.3, etc)? Am I incorrect, can Loihi send out multiple spikes from a single neuron at a given timestep?
  4. If I want to use the “decoded” output (to take advantage of smoothing using synaptic filters), is there a way to enforce a particular decoder weight? For example, depending on my nengo_dl.converter settings, the decoder is sometimes a negative value, and I’d prefer it to be positive or even just a weight of 1. I assume this is because NEF is multiplying the spike train by some number before applying the filter (since it assumes this neuron is part of a larger ensemble) but correct me if this is incorrect.

For context, the last layer contains only one neuron, which has been pre-trained to indicate whether a face is present at the input or not.