EnsembleArray to Ensemble Neural Connection

I’m a little confused about the Connections. Are you saying the solver argument only takes effect if a transform is specified? Now that I think about it I’m not sure what the solver would be solving for without a transform. What would a connection like this do?

nengo.Connection(ens1, ens2, solver=nengo.solvers.LstsqL2(weights=True))

For my particular task I have a network with the larger goal of moving an arm towards a target and this would just be the connection between the sensory and motor cortexes. Currently, the sensory cortex is an ensemble array which is connected to a node which scales things before outputting to the motor cortex, which is an ensemble. I want to remove that intermediate node but now I’m not sure how I should even be optimizing these weights. And in my other question I was trying to achieve the same thing between the pre-motor cortex, an Ensemble, and the motor cortex, which also had a scaling node between them.